Friday, October 24, 2014

It's Been a Winning Kind of Week!

The Senior:  This week hasn’t been too crazy.  We were able to get settled into a routine.  We suggested to S that he start getting up at 7:00, get ready, and take some time to listen to the news and/or read his Bible until 9:00.  At that point, he could start his work.  So far, that seems to be helping him stay on task.  [Otherwise, he gets distracted reading news headlines when he's supposed to be logging onto the computer for math.] He has had his work finished around lunchtime every day.  We will call that a win!

This week S has been working on College Algebra, Daily Grammar, World War II unit, The Human Eye course Lesson 2 (Science that he is interested in is always a good thing.  He just told me that it is a useful course. It is quite interesting.), his research project, Personal Finance, and German IV.

S is enjoying getting his work done early in the day because it is giving him free time in the afternoon and evening - kind of a new thing for him.  We have taken time to watch some DVD lectures on History (his idea of fun).  One day after watching some segments, S went to the computer and sat down to write (this is a child who doesn’t enjoy writing).  I told my husband we have been waiting for this day! Again, we will also call that a win!

He had horseback riding this morning which he always enjoys.  The one downside is we have to leave the house at 7:30 - not an easy task for S.  For the winter schedule, they are going to change his time slot again.  We will see what he ends up with for a time.  He prefers Friday slots because he likes to end his week that way.  He works hard to have his schoolwork finished or almost finished, so he doesn’t have much, if anything, to do when he gets back home.  

This weekend he will be getting his clothes together for his Senior Portraits which are scheduled for November 2.  He’s not very excited about having these done.  Outfit changes will be minimal (swapping out shirts).  He thinks we could just take a picture of him sitting at the dining room table on our phones and call it good.  

I sent the email to our state homeschool organization telling them we want to know when graduation registration starts.  I also asked about accessibility for him at the ceremony. We can work out glitches now rather than later. Again, S really doesn’t care if he goes through a ceremony; however, we feel he should be honored for his hard work.  He will do it. He just wants to have a party in Minnesota.

All week long, he was supposed to get his clothes put away in his room.  I don’t think it has happened.  He would be content to live out of his clothes basket.

Volunteering: S volunteered 8 hours last weekend, and he will volunteer 4 hours this weekend.

S is wearing his National Park Service Volunteer hat that he received for being one of the top volunteers.

The Sophomore:  J had a busy week at school.  He has some really good teachers this year. He had a Chemistry test and a Math Analysis test. He had an AP History essay due today.  He was working on his Science Fair project using Survey Planet.  If you would like to help him, feel free to click on the link and take his quick survey.  Thanks!

This weekend he will be working on an AP History project and working on a write-up that is due for his Science Fair project. He will also be carving our pumpkins for Halloween. He always comes up with something fun to carve. Looking forward to it.

J had a bracket fall off of his tooth Wednesday afternoon.  He has to go to the Orthodontist Tuesday morning.  I called, and they said it could wait until then.

He will also be volunteering at an Open House at the stables where he volunteered this summer. It looks like the weather will be nice.   We will be heading to that right after church and Sunday school

Practice:  J practiced 14 hours this week.  He took Thursday night off to complete homework and rest (I felt like he was a little stressed when he came home from school. Everyone needs some recharge time). His rips are healing, finally.  They are starting to put their routines together gearing up for competition season.  His first meet is in 3 weeks. He’s looking forward to it. Monday night he was the only upper level boy at practice, so he had 3.5 hours of 1:1 coaching.  He was tired that night!

On the Homefront:  We had our gas logs installed in our fireplace on Monday.  S is really excited about it.  The fireplace is in our office area where he does his schoolwork.  He is looking forward to having a fire while he sits at his desk.

My husband ended up taking off Monday from work.  He was going to take time off while the workers were here.  They ended up coming late, and my husband’s shoulder was quite sore. I told him his boss would be upset with him if she knew he went into work not feeling well (He is blessed to have a wonderful boss). He is still recovering, and he still can’t drive.  Next week, he can start driving again!  Not sure who’s more excited - him or me.

My husband is the primary cook at our house (he is very good and enjoys it), so his recovery has hindered that. I have been doing a lot of slow cooker meals which actually has been nice for J. The food is ready in the slow cooker, so he can eat what we are having prior to practice. S loves it because there are always leftovers.  It makes lunch for him much easier.

I have been able to get to the gym in the morning during S’s quiet time.  It’s been nice to get back in there.

Since it hasn’t been too crazy here, I will be enjoying some quiet time on the couch with chocolate and my new book that I hope to finish this weekend since it deals with the topic I want to blog about next week. Stay tuned to see if that happens.....

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Weekly Wrap-Up

1 comment:

  1. I hope S gets his horse lessons changed to when he wants them to be and that the graduation accommodations are all set up when you get there! Smart girl to get that process going now! J sounds very busy. I am glad that your husband is healing nicely, too! It was nice to see you at FF again!
