Thursday, July 24, 2014

Transitioning with DARS Part 3

After playing phone tag with the Assistive Technology coordinator, S had his AT assessment scheduled.  We thought it was going to be 30 min-1 hr. long.  It ended up being 2 ½ hours long, and S decided that his dad and I could just wait in the waiting room during the assessment.  It was boring for us (picture any waiting room of a government funded office), but it was him being independent. Yeah!

When it was done, we were called back into the room to get an overview of what they had covered. The coordinator was impressed with how much work we have done with him at home.  

They talked about his needs at college:
1.   Note taking:  Using a Livescribe pen, Audio Note on an iPad, getting notes from other students
2.   Power wheelchair vs. manual wheelchair:  S isn’t excited about a power chair because he thinks it will cause him to become lax in getting himself around.  It was suggested that we look at assist wheels which would give him extra propulsion on a manual chair.
3.   Computer needs:  iPad, laptop, desktop.  He will probably use an iPad in class and have a desktop in his room.  At home, he primarily uses a desktop.  He does use the iPad for different tasks.
4.  The coordinator talked about other apps that would be beneficial, and he emailed the links to S.

Our concern with the Livescribe pen is that S will distract himself so much with getting it set up that he will forget to record the lecture and take notes.  He has tried it at home and did well; however, it was a new item.  Will that continue once the novelty is worn off?  Will he be so inclined when it is a class he doesn’t like but is required to take?

We like the idea about the chair.  We will check into that.  We have a great representative/salesman we work with for his wheelchair and other medical equipment.

We went out and bought a new iPad so he can practice with it this next year.  We had the first iPad which doesn’t support some of the tools we would want him to use.

His senior year will be about him finishing up the necessary classes to graduate and practicing techniques necessary to help him in college (note taking, scheduling, putting things on his calendar so they are beneficial to him).

It was a great meeting, and S was quite excited to share all of the information with us after the fact.  It is fun to see him taking on this responsibility for his transition.

Since this transition thing is going well, you know where to find me...on the couch with chocolate.  

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